Level Up your Creative Output

with community

Art is only good when you share it with other people. Want to learn how to DJ? Or maybe teach a class on poetry, or showcase your latest paintings? Whether you're looking to teach or learn, share or be inspired, you're welcome here.

What the f*** is LUCO?

What the f*** is LUCO?



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Let's Connect 🤙

LUCO Studios was created as a place to connect with other people, whether they are practicing their passions or sharing the exciting things they are working on. We do most things on Discord, where you can hang out with all types of creators and producers and find your tribe.

Let's Find a Way ⬆

Let's Find a Way ⬆

Productivity is a Four Letter Word 🤬

Productivity is a Four Letter Word 🤬

Membership Benefits ➕

Learn about how you can take advantage of the Studios, whether you're looking to explore, join for free, become a VIP, or even become a guide - find out how you can benefit from being part of our community here. 👈

Rewards 🎁

Interact and share within the community and level up. Share LUCO with others and get points, including a free month of premium. Click here to join rewards.

Looking for Something New to Practice? 👀

Follow our Beginner's Guide to Living Creatively here. 👈

What Does Inspiration Have to Do With It? 💡

What Does Inspiration Have to Do With It? 💡

Defining a City, Britto Style 🌴

Defining a City, Britto Style 🌴

SHAZAM! is the magic word ⚡️

SHAZAM! is the magic word ⚡️

Gatekeeping is Bullshit 💩

Gatekeeping is Bullshit 💩

Anchor Yourself ⚓️

Anchor Yourself ⚓️

Become a Guide 🧭

Have a hobby, passion, or art you want to teach other people?

We accept all types of people, but you must be open to providing introductory level classes for free on YouTube or your video service of choice.Here at LUCO Studios we believe everyone benefits when you can try something out quickly and with little barrier to entry. The more, the merrier.

At Symbol (@)


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